Stroke Assessment

Master your technique with expert stroke evaluation. 

A stroke assessment identifies common mistakes in your breathing, kick, and catch that can go unnoticed even by seasoned swimmers. An assessment report highlights areas needing improvement and includes corrective drills to promote proper body position, stroke mechanics, and timing.  Take your swimming performance to the next level, increase your endurance and improve your speed in the water with a stroke assessment report. 


Horizontal body position on front;  Symmetrical arms pull towards chest; elbows higher than hands; Symmetrical arm recovery beyond head; Kick is simultaneous and symmetrical; heels recover towards buttocks; Legs drive with knees apart; feet wider than knees; Pull-breathe-kick-stretch sequence into full streamlined extension; Regular breathing pattern with underwater exhalation. 

Body on front; streamlined and horizontal; Alternate arm action with overarm recovery and underwater pull below body, hand enters beyond shoulder, pull past hip; Elbow higher than hand during recovery; continuous, rhythmic flutter kick initiated from hips; slight knee bend; feet relaxed; Regular breathing pattern to side with underwater exhalation. 

Horizontal body position on front; Symmetrical arms extend above the head, hands face out; Kick is synchronized and symmetrical; slight knee bend; feet are relaxed; Chest pushes down, flows through the hips and legs in sequence; Regular breathing pattern with underwater exhalation; Recovery and catch synced to kick.

Body on back; streamlined position; Alternate arm action with overarm recovery and underwater pull; Hand drive finishes at thigh; recovery above surface with elbows straight; entry beyond shoulder; Drive with bent arm pull; Continuous, rhythmic flutter kick initiated from hips; slight knee bend; feet relaxed; Regular breathing